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What is Coaching?

Coaching is a type of personal development to help individuals achieve positive results in their personal or professional lives.  The Association for Coaching thus described Coaching as:

"A collaborate solution-focused results orientated and systemic process which the coach faciliatates the enhancement of work peformance, life experience, self directed learning and personal growth of the coachee".

In other words, coaching is an colloborate partnership where the coach faciliates the growth of individuals being coached (coachees) to improve their future life experiences and guides them towards achieving their desired outcome.  This is achieved by asking them the right questions and other related methods (including creative approaches derived from applied drama) to promote new insight and empowerment, than being prescriptive/advice giving as with mentoring.  Coaching is not psychotherapy nor counselling as it addressing everyday issues than those experiencing severe distress nor mentoring.  It is very practical approach which involves setting goals to help coachees improve their future life quality and flourish!

Part of my coaching approach is Strenghts-Based derived from Positive Psychology to understand, unearth and apply your personal strengths/resources to manage challenges and improve your future happiness, and using creative methods to develop your life skills and self-understandings by exploring life scenarios or internal feelings, strengths, needs..etc creatively using role plays, to gain further insights and personal resources at a deeper level than discussion to understand oneself, try out new ways of responding, and improve your future confidence and assertiveness.

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